March 17, 2023

Julie, 10:45 am, 3/17 we returned to the hospital this morning and were told that Emery desaturated down to 73 in the middle of the night last night (she needs to be 95 or higher), and while she was able to correct it herself without the help of medical intervention after about 15 seconds, the doctor wants to keep her for at least five days to monitor her breathing. She needs to have five straight days of no episodes before they would consider discharging her. As of right now, it looks like at least Wednesday, March 22 until we would be discharged. She also failed her first hearing screening yesterday, but that’s not alarming yet, as sometimes that is common for C-section babies to have fluid in their ears. There also could be another factor along with it. Regardless, they will do another hearing test today or tomorrow. If she doesn’t pass, that one, an audiologist will come in to do an evaluation.

Julie, 12:25 on 3/17 Emmy just ate 2 bottles!!! Normally she eats one, 2 oz per bottle. Today she was starving and Greg kept feeding her cause she wanted it, and drank 2 bottles, or 4 oz. This is the most she’s ever done! Good job, healthy girl. The speech therapist came in and was commenting how happy she always is, how she obviously has no issues eating, and she’s super satisfied with everything she can see. Go, Emmy! 


March 18, 2023


March 16, 2023