March 21, 2023

Julie, 8:45 am 3/21

Today, as I was getting ready to head to the hospital, I listened to David Crowder’s “Good God Almighty” and was totally grounded and calm. The chorus says,

“Good God Almighty, I hope you find me praising Your name no matter what comes. Cause I know where I’d be without Your mercy, so I’ll keep praising Your name no matter what comes.”

And I thought, I really haven’t been praising his name in the last 12 hours, I’ve been grumbling and upset. We have some fantastic medical staff working around the clock for our sweet little girl, we have three beautiful daughters that are happy and healthy and so crazy loved, Greg and I have each other to hold up and encourage and love through all of this. We are so blessed, and even though there might be a hiccup here, or there, everyone is driving for Emmy to come home at her absolute healthiest. And the Lord can help me praise Him, no matter what comes. 

Today is World Down Syndrome Day, ironically a week after Emmy’s birthday. 

Julie, 10:30 am 3/21

Emmy having her third hearing test and she passed on her right ear!

Emmy had her third hearing test while I was here with her. She passed her right ear but failed her left, which was better than before. So we’ll still need to see an audiologist but only for one ear. I’m so thankful we did another test!! 

Julie, 4:02 pm 3/21

The Neonatologist, Dr. Clark, came by and said Emmy’s genetic test came back, and she tested positive for Down Syndrome; specifically, she has a clear third chromosome on the 21st chromosome. Or XXX. So we are now moving forward with this clear diagnosis to work with. 

Julie, 4:30 pm 3/21

This is just as funny, but when Grandma Dee and I were changing her diaper before we fed her, we ended up using six diapers!! Whenever I changed the diaper and put a fresh one on (complete with butt paste), she would tinkle or poop in it! We just kept changing diaper after diaper and started cracking up laughing at how much she kept soiling a diaper 😆 Gosh; we love our little one! 

Julie, 5:12 pm 3/21

I decided to feed Emmy one more time, and then I would pack up and go home to meet Greg for dinner. However, after she ate, she just had the biggest eyes and smiles for me! It was the most she had kept her eyes open and smiled since we had her. It was such music to my soul to hold my little girl and have her look right at me for at least 20 minutes. She’s got the most beautiful eyes, and it’s crazy how much she’s grown in this last week. I can’t wait to take you home, sweet girl. ❤️

Big eyes and smiles for mommy!


March 22, 2023


March 20, 2023