March 20, 2023

Julie, 12:08 3/20  I arrived at the hospital and the nurse said Emmy is doing great! She also has been eating a lot more today, putting on weight. While this makes her more stable and equipped to come home, I’m not looking forward to waking up more often for feedings in the middle of the night. 😆 Hoping for the car seat test tomorrow to go well, I think that’s our last hurdle before discharge. 

Julie, 6:31 3/20 We have had a very frustrating afternoon. When I arrived at the hospital a couple of hours ago, I was met by one of our nurses, who said that a third hearing screening has been performed on Emmy, and she had passed! We both jumped up and down from the excitement, and I texted our families the good news. As the afternoon progressed, and as various doctors and nurses came to see me, everyone that I told the news to didn’t know what I was talking about, nobody knew there was a third hearing screening that was done. Just about an hour ago, our primary nurse came in and said that there had been a mistake, and a third hearing screening was actually never done, so technically, we still have to see an audiologist because Emmy’s hearing is still up in the air.

Also, I was eating lunch in the patient lounge, and Greg was with Emmy when the doctor came in and said that she had a de-Sat episode yesterday and so that restarted our entire clock so that now our discharge was not going to be until later this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. That was incredibly disheartening. But the speech therapist and our primary nurse both later disagreed with that, they both said she did not de-Sat, and there was nothing in her chart, so the discharge date should not have changed. Our nurse called the doctor, and after talking with her, it was determined that the de-Sat information was incorrect, and we are still on the docket for discharge Wednesday or Thursday.

Lastly, our nurse asked us if we ordered an MRI for Emmy. Of course, we didn’t, nor did we have any knowledge of an MRI being ordered for her. She stepped out of the room to make a call to the doctor and found out that there was an MRI order placed on her chart, but that was for a different baby, and she was not ever supposed to have an MRI done. So they removed that from her chart.

A little milk drunk after chugging down 90ml.

When I tell you that Greg and I are completely and utterly exhausted from this last hour of a roller coaster of emotions, that would be a gross understatement. It makes us question some of the medical advice we are being given, and it brings up all kinds of doubts about how much we have to advocate for our daughter. Maybe we should not just sit back and trust what we’re being told without researching it or verifying it for ourselves. I don’t think we should have to do this, but this afternoon makes me want to question everything now.

Daddy goes back to work tomorrow so he stayed for the evening feeding and got some longer snuggles with Emmy. Hopefully, some of his lasts with her while she is in the hospital!


March 21, 2023


March 19, 2023